When you are ready to take your senior pictures, you’ll want to be sure you take them at the right time. Right season, and during the day. But what if I told you that there is one time of the day that you most defintely need to have your pictures taken. This time of day only lasts a little bit. A half hour, hour max. And what if i told you that if you get pictures taken during this time, you won’t regret it one bit. This precious time is called golden hour. And I can tell you it’s golden for a reason. Golden hour happens right as the sun is about to rise or set. When golden hour happens, everything in frame is, well, golden. Warm, beautiful and rich colors pop while the lighting gives the pictures a perfect glow. Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself! One thing to consider when taking pictures in golden hour is to be sure you’re ready for it. Golden hour is fast and is over quickly. Be sure you are at your location before golden hour starts and be in your outfit of choice and ready to go. You don’t want to miss golden hour because you’re in the middle of an outfit change. Have everything you need ready to go so when that sun starts to set, you are ready to take beautiful pictures. Golden hour is also later in the day. After a long day of taking pictures, hiking around and a lot of excitement, you could be tired. Be sure you have snacks, water and feel good throughout the day so that when golden hour comes around you are happy and energized. Nobody wants pictures of them looking tired and grumpy when the scenery around them is stunning. Be sure you are on your A game so your pictures turn out they way you want them to! Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to golden hour. Sometimes, golden hour isn’t as golden as you might expect. Colorado weather changes dramatically and sometimes those pesky little clouds block the sun setting. But not to fret! Even if you don’t get the golden hour you expect, Colorado sunsets are stunning!! You can still obtain pictures around the golden hour time that are just as gorgeous even if you don’t get golden lighting. Sometimes, you get lucky and get blue or purple lighting from the sunset. Sometimes you get a beautiful silhouette lighting from the dark clouds and sun just peaking through. Regardless, you won’t go wrong taking pictures during this time! How convincing am I when it comes to talking about golden hour? It’s my favorite time to get pictures taken and I can assure you that after you see your golden hour pictures, it will be your favorite too. I want to be sure you get on my calendar.. it’s filling up fast!! Reach out today so I can talk with you and get you scheduled. I can’t wait to be your senior picture photographer 🤗
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